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Revision as of 15:47, 25 February 2015

#adds custom menu item
#allows to split the original chunk into multiple chunks with smaller bounding boxes forming a grid
#building dense cloud, mesh and merging the result back is optional

import PhotoScan
from PySide import QtGui, QtCore

class SplitDlg(QtGui.QDialog):

	def __init__(self, parent):

		QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self, parent)
		self.setWindowTitle("Split in chunks")
		self.gridX = 2
		self.gridY = 2
		self.gridWidth = 198
		self.gridHeight = 198
		self.spinX = QtGui.QSpinBox()
		self.spinX.setFixedSize(75, 25)
		self.spinY = QtGui.QSpinBox()
		self.spinY.setFixedSize(75, 25)		
		self.chkMesh = QtGui.QCheckBox("Build Mesh")
		self.chkMesh.setToolTip("Generates mesh for each cell in grid")
		self.chkDense = QtGui.QCheckBox("Build Dense Cloud")
		self.chkDense.setWhatsThis("Builds dense cloud for each cell in grid")
		self.chkMerge = QtGui.QCheckBox("Merge Back")
		self.chkMerge.setToolTip("Merges back the processing products formed in the individual cells")

		self.btnQuit = QtGui.QPushButton("Quit")
		self.btnP1 = QtGui.QPushButton("Split")
		self.grid = QtGui.QLabel(" ")
		self.grid.resize(self.gridWidth, self.gridHeight)
		tempPixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(self.gridWidth, self.gridHeight)
		tempImage = tempPixmap.toImage()
		for y in range(self.gridHeight):
			for x in range(self.gridWidth):
				if not (x and y) or (x == self.gridWidth - 1) or (y == self.gridHeight - 1):
					tempImage.setPixel(x, y, QtGui.qRgb(0, 0, 0))
				elif (x == self.gridWidth / 2) or (y == self.gridHeight / 2):
					tempImage.setPixel(x, y, QtGui.qRgb(0, 0, 0))
					tempImage.setPixel(x, y, QtGui.qRgb(255, 255, 255))
		tempPixmap = tempPixmap.fromImage(tempImage)
		layout = QtGui.QGridLayout()   #creating layout
		layout.addWidget(self.spinX, 0, 0)
		layout.addWidget(self.spinY, 0, 1)
		layout.addWidget(self.chkDense, 0, 2)
		layout.addWidget(self.chkMesh, 0, 3)
		layout.addWidget(self.chkMerge, 0, 4)
		layout.addWidget(self.btnP1, 2, 2)
		layout.addWidget(self.btnQuit, 2, 3)
		layout.addWidget(self.grid, 1, 0, 2, 2)
		proc_split = lambda : self.splitChunks()
		QtCore.QObject.connect(self.btnP1, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), proc_split)
		QtCore.QObject.connect(self.btnQuit, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self, QtCore.SLOT("reject()"))	

	def updateGrid(self):
		Draw new grid
		self.gridX = self.spinX.value()
		self.gridY = self.spinY.value()

		tempPixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(self.gridWidth, self.gridHeight)
		tempImage = tempPixmap.toImage()
		tempImage.fill(QtGui.qRgb(240, 240, 240))
		for y in range(int(self.gridHeight / self.gridY) * self.gridY):
			for x in range(int(self.gridWidth / self.gridX) * self.gridX):
				if not (x and y) or (x == self.gridWidth - 1) or (y == self.gridHeight - 1):
					tempImage.setPixel(x, y, QtGui.qRgb(0, 0, 0))
				elif y > int(self.gridHeight / self.gridY) * self.gridY:
					tempImage.setPixel(x, y, QtGui.qRgb(240, 240, 240))
				elif x > int(self.gridWidth / self.gridX) * self.gridX:	
					tempImage.setPixel(x, y, QtGui.qRgb(240, 240, 240))
					tempImage.setPixel(x, y, QtGui.qRgb(255, 255, 255))
		for y in range(0, int(self.gridHeight / self.gridY + 1) * self.gridY, int(self.gridHeight / self.gridY)):
			for x in range(int(self.gridWidth / self.gridX) * self.gridX):
				tempImage.setPixel(x, y, QtGui.qRgb(0, 0, 0))
		for x in range(0, int(self.gridWidth / self.gridX + 1) * self.gridX, int(self.gridWidth / self.gridX)):
			for y in range(int(self.gridHeight / self.gridY) * self.gridY):
				tempImage.setPixel(x, y, QtGui.qRgb(0, 0, 0))
		tempPixmap = tempPixmap.fromImage(tempImage)
		return True
	def splitChunks(self):
		self.gridX = self.spinX.value()
		self.gridY = self.spinY.value()
		partsX = self.gridX
		partsY = self.gridY
		print("Script started")
		buildMesh = self.chkMesh.isChecked()
		buildDense = self.chkDense.isChecked()
		mergeBack = self.chkMerge.isChecked()
		doc = PhotoScan.app.document
		chunk = doc.chunk
		region = chunk.region
		r_center = region.center
		r_rotate = region.rot
		r_size = region.size

		x_scale = r_size.x / partsX    
		y_scale = r_size.y / partsY   
		z_scale = r_size.z  

		offset = r_center - r_rotate * r_size /2.

		for j in range(1, partsY + 1):  #creating new chunks and adjusting bounding box
			for i in range(1, partsX + 1):
				new_chunk = chunk.copy()
				new_chunk.label = "Chunk "+ str(i)+ "\\" + str(j)
				new_chunk.model = None
				new_region = PhotoScan.Region()
				new_rot = r_rotate
				new_center = PhotoScan.Vector([(i - 0.5) * x_scale, (j - 0.5) * y_scale, 0.5 * z_scale])
				new_center = offset + new_rot * new_center
				new_size = PhotoScan.Vector([x_scale, y_scale, z_scale])
				new_region.size = new_size
				new_region.center = new_center
				new_region.rot = new_rot

				new_chunk.region = new_region
				if buildDense:
					new_chunk.buildDenseCloud(quality = PhotoScan.Quality.MediumQuality, filter = PhotoScan.FilterMode.AggressiveFiltering)
				if buildMesh:
					if new_chunk.dense_cloud:
						new_chunk.buildModel(surface = PhotoScan.SurfaceType.HeightField, source = PhotoScan.PointsSource.DensePoints, interpolation = PhotoScan.Interpolation.EnabledInterpolation, face_count = PhotoScan.FaceCount.HighFaceCount)
						new_chunk.buildModel(surface = PhotoScan.SurfaceType.HeightField, source = PhotoScan.PointsSource.SparsePoints, interpolation = PhotoScan.Interpolation.EnabledInterpolation, face_count = PhotoScan.FaceCount.HighFaceCount)
				new_chunk.depth_maps = None
		if mergeBack:
			for i in range(1, len(doc.chunks)):
				chunk = doc.chunks[i]
			doc.chunks[0].model = None #removing model from original chunk, just for case			
			doc.mergeChunks(doc.chunks, merge_dense_clouds = True, merge_models = True, merge_markers = True) #merging all smaller chunks into single one
			doc.remove(doc.chunks[1:-1]) #removing smaller chunks.
		print("Script finished")
		return True
def main():

	global doc
	doc = PhotoScan.app.document

	app = QtGui.QApplication.instance()
	parent = app.activeWindow()
	dlg = SplitDlg(parent)
PhotoScan.app.addMenuItem("Custom/Split in chunks", main)